True Thanksgiving - Part 1

Nov 19, 2023    Pastor Marc Williamson

In a day when the world wants to bypass this time set aside to give thanks that we might hurry to the materialism & social entertainments which now consume the Christmas season, I feel the responsibility of calling GOD’s people to stop, reflect, & give true thanksgiving to GOD. Though we should be giving thanks every day of our lives, I’m glad we live in a nation that observes a day of Thanksgiving. This celebration can be traced back to 1621, when the Plymouth colonists from England & a group of Native Americans shared a 3 day feast together after surviving a harsh winter & then having a successful harvest. While the Thanksgiving celebration would continue for 2 centuries, it was not until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln made the celebration an official day of observance by proclaiming a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.